Sunday, 18 December 2011

One Block in St Andrew's Ward

On the map brick buildings are outlined in red, frame buildings in grey. The dotted lines are the fences and walls between properties as illustrated in the Atlas.
Brown’s Directory indicates that 156 Adelaide was vacant when data was collected later in the year 1861. 150 Adelaide, the eastern-most of the brick houses on the corner of Simcoe, is not mentioned in Brown, but is included in Mitchell. There is also a 148 Adelaide in Mitchell’s Directory (1863-64). This may be a house built after the census.
I am assuming that the largest brick house in the block belonged to Joseph Dixon, the land agent. His census form describes his house as 2-1/2 storeys and built of brick and stone. The next brick house belonged to Frederick Upton.
A number of families and single inhabitants were found at 116 rear and 118 rear Adelaide West. These would appear to have been separate buildings at the back of the two lots and not flats in the main buildings entered by a back door.
James Paterson’s grocery had a York Street address, but it would appear to be equally a property on Adelaide.

The enumerator filed the forms in consecutive order west to east. It was great to be able to compare the list below with the map above, and also with the completely different atmosphere of the area today as shown on Google maps!

Folios 599-627: Adelaide Street West, north side, between Simcoe and York
599. Cornelia Paterson, widow of Archibald, boarding house at 158 Adelaide West.
600. John Ginty, contractor, living with mother & a sister. 154 Adelaide West.
601a. John Bishop, butcher, found in Caverhill and Mitchell at two other addresses in different parts of the city; not found in Brown at all.
601b. Mrs Susan Thomas. Although she follows Bishop and his family on the census form, she appears to be chief tenant or owner. Did not divulge her late husband's name. Found by Brown and Mitchell at 152 Adelaide West.
602. Adam Limberd or Lineberd, labourer. Name misread by both Ancestry and me. Only found in Brown (who can't be depended on to get surnames right either). His lodger Michael Sheils was not to be found anywhere. 142 Adelaide West.
603. Thomas Bryan. Name originally misread. Not found in directories after re-inspection. Had employed children, but they were not in directories either.
604. Chas Cline, tailor, from Witerburg, Germany. Not in directories.
605. Joseph Dixon, house and land agent. 5 children. Found in all directories on first run at 138 Adelaide St West.
606. Mrs Eleanor Hutcheson. Found in all directories, spelling consistent, on first run at 136 Adelaide West. Caverhill had house number as 126—perhaps a typo.
607. Richard Couch. Four different occupations all in the building trade. Found in all directories on first run. 134 Adelaide West.
His father, John Couch, part of the household, mentioned in Caverhill & Brown, died in 1863 and was buried in the Necropolis.
608. Fred'k Upton, wharfinger, 6 children, present in Caverhill & Brown--and Necropolis Burials. Brown had his address as 126 Adelaide West.
609. John F Corner, moulder. Found in Brown & Mitchell only. Household includes older lady identified as mother in law. 122 Adelaide West.
610. Samuel Bowman. No occupation in census or in any of the three directories. Always lives at 120 Adelaide West. His lodger, James Loaney was living at 116 Adelaide West in Caverhill.
611. Eli Hussey. tavernkeeper & chairmaker (!). 118 Adelaide West. Moved to Elizabeth Street, St John's, before Mitchell's Directory was published. Family includes married daughter.
612. Henry Johnston. printer at 116 rear Adelaide West.
613. Dan'l Dunning, gardener (surname deciphered after 3 attempts). Makes a long comment on census form (transcribed). Brown finds him at 116 rear Adelaide West. Otherwise, not found.
614. Anne Laid or Lord, fruit dealer, 60, widow living alone. Not found in any directory.
615. James Passmore, porter, with two servants (maybe they just lodged there). Found by Brown & Mitchell at 116 rear Adelaide West.
616. Amy Odell, sewing, widow with grownup daughter. Possible late husband found in Caverhill. Living at 116 rear Adelaide West in Brown, not found in Mitchell. Not in Necropolis burials.
617. Mary McCarty. Very popular name—as a result difficult to match with directories. No one of that name found at 116 rear Adelaide West or anywhere nearby. May have had a daughter working as servant with James Passmore.
618. Robert McCawley, labourer with servant. Not found in any directory.
619. Mary Bauldry, housekeeper. Surname completely misread on first run. Found in Mitchell at 118 rear Adelaide West with a slightly different name to that given here.
620. Ann Morris, widow of George. Caverhill's Directory and Necropolis Burials checked unsuccessfully for an entry for her late husband. Found in Mitchell at 118 rear Adelaide West.
621. David Heslip, labourer. Only sighting in a directory (taking all possible spellings into consideration) was in Mitchell when he lived much further west.
622. James Hart, tailor. Found at 3 different addresses in directories. Brown gave address as 116 Adelaide West.
623. Thomas Hoolahan (sp), porter, wrote his own census form. Why did the three directories given his name as Wholahan, Wholehen, and Wholohan? Address in Brown & Mitchell was 116 Adelaide West (lived elsewhere according to Caverhill's Directory).
624. Uphemia Thompson, boarding house with 3 lodgers and 2 daughters in their twenties. Found only by Brown at 114 Adelaide West.
625. William Hodgins, shoemaker. Found only by Brown at 112 Adelaide West.
626. Elizabeth Miller, nurse, sole inhabitant of 110 Adelaide West (114 in Caverhill)
627. Fred Milligan, innkeeper, no boarders. 108 Adelaide West.
628. James Paterson, grocer, with address 128-130 York on the corner of Adelaide.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Scribe,
    You'll be interested to know that your butcher, John Bishop, was the developer of Bishop's Block of fashionable town houses in your chosen "One Block". The last of these houses was used most recently as the Pretzel Bell tavern, but had been empty and deteriorating for about 30 years. In 2007, an archaeological dig documented the foundations of the lost houses. You can read more about the dig, here: The façade of the remaining house has been incorporated into the new Shangri-La hotel and condo development.
